Hechos Sobre Abuso y Negligencia de Niños

Hechos Sobre Abuso y Negligencia de Niños

Statistics on Child Abuse and Neglect

The following national child abuse statistics from Childhelp and DOSOMETHING.org present facts on how abused youth in the United States are affected by violence and maltreatment:


Annual reports of child abuse in the U.S.


Incidents of abuse go unreported.

5 / day

Number of deaths due to abuse


Percentage of abuse that is neglect

10 seconds

How often abuse is reported.

Origen: American SPCC

Existe un costo abrumador para la sociedad cuando se trata de abuso infantil. Según los CDC, la carga económica total de por vida asociada con el abuso y la negligencia infantil fue de aproximadamente $ 428 mil millones en 2015. Esto compite con el costo de otros problemas de salud pública como el accidente cerebrovascular y la diabetes tipo 2. No es difícil ver que los beneficios de los programas que luchan contra el abuso infantil superan con creces los costos.

Child abuse occurs across all socioeconomic levels, ethnic and cultural lines, and religions and education levels.

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Types of Child Abuse

All types of abuse are damaging. Even if less physically noticeable, they still bear scars and require intervention to protect a child’s life.

Signs of Child Abuse

If you see any of the following behavior in children, it may be a sign of abuse

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