New Year’s Resolutions at Mercy Home

New Year’s Resolutions at Mercy Home

The new year is the perfect opportunity to set new goals! At Mercy Home, both our young people and coworkers are always looking for ways to be the best we can be. Take a look below at some of the things we are resolving to do in 2024.

1. Be happy and healthy.

A common resolution is to lose weight in the New Year, but we prefer to look at it a different way! Instead, our kids and coworkers will be focusing on being healthier and more active.

2. Save money.


All of our kids learn about how to manage their money and become financially stable after leaving Mercy Home. It’s no surprise that saving money is high on many people’s list of resolutions!

3. Read more.

Both our coworkers and kids mentioned that they want to become more well-read in the new year. With the help of a great library in our Learning Center, we know this goal will be easy to check off.

4. Improve relationships.

There are many different ways both our kids and coworkers hope to build their relationships in the new year. One of our kids said that he would like to inspire lots of people in the way he’s working hard at Mercy Home to change his life. Meanwhile, one of our coworkers said that she would like to be more intentional in reaching out to others in 2024. Another said they would like to find ways to socialize with friends and stay in touch.

5. Learn a new hobby.

It’s important to learn new things at any age! Some of the hobbies our kids and coworkers hope to explore in the new year include dancing, basketball, art, and traveling.

These are only some of things that we are resolving to do in the new year, and we’re always looking for more great ideas. What goals are you looking to accomplish in 2024? Feel free to share in the comments below.

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