Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Homily Video
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript
Two nuns are in the woods being chased by a bear and one nun says to the other, “Do you think the bear will catch us, and do you think we can outrun the bear?” One nuns says to the other, “All I have to do is outrun you”. You know we live in an age of instant tea, instant coffee, instant wall through power and instant weight loss programs. It seems everything we do is instant and now. We’ve become an instant society.
We want everything now. We live in a fast food world, no time to eat, no time to visit family or friends, no time to pray but I think we sometimes put God in the fast lane of our life. We think if God does not answer my prayers right now, then God is not answering me at all. We need to slow down this merry-go-round called life and realize it is through our baptism that Jesus calls to change our lifestyle and attitudes and together love this world back into life.
To reap the peace of Christ, we are to sow the justice of Christ. This applies to all of us how, because all share in the one baptism of Christ no matter our age. We listen in today’s Gospel, if anyone wishes to be first they shall be last of all, and servant of all. Listen to the following story.
A little sparrow is lying on his back in the middle of the road with his feet up in the air. A fox came along and asked the little bird, “Hey little bird, why are you lying here in the middle of the road?”. The bird answered, “I have heard from a very reliable source and there’s a prediction the sky is going to fall today. So I’m going to hold it up with my feet”. “Oh you are?” Laughed the little fox. “Do you really think a little bird like you, with those tiny skinny little legs can hold up the entire sky?”. The little bird responded, “One does what one can”.
We cannot be community of believers who are apathetic toward others. As the body of Christ we are called to serve, is the very nature of who we are as church. We can make contribution as a disciple of Christ that no one else can make, a better world begins with us. A better world begins with us.
Have you ever considered that when God created the world, he could have done a complete job but God didn’t, God gave us an incomplete world and invites us to complete it and again we are invited to love this world back into life, and we should live our life in such a way that our lives wouldn’t make any sense if God did not exist.
First Reading:
Wisdom 2:12
Second Reading:
James 3:16-4:3
Mark 9:30-37
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A special thank you this week to our friends from Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago, St. Mary of the Woods Parish, Chicago and Evanston Catholic Woman’s Club in the congregation.
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