Sixth Sunday of Easter
Homily Video
Sixth Sunday of Easter Homily Transcript
>>Today I want to share with you a personal story and a very profound story for myself.
There are days when even I, even priests wonder about the presence of God. Where are we finding God with all the challenges of life?
I woke up one morning, not that long ago and I said, “God, please if you’re there show me some sign.” A few minutes later the little beep on my phone went off. It was a text message. And when I opened it, it was a message from my cousin who had sent me this picture.
She had been walking early that morning as the sun came up and in the sky, as you can see, were these beautiful pink clouds and it was in the shape of a cross. She sent that picture with this message: ‘This morning, start your day off seeing God’s presence. What a great reminder that God is always as your side.’
She didn’t say “Our side,” she said “Your side.” ‘Peace, joy for your day,’ and I had to think to myself: ‘A coincidence or God-instance?’ It was something I needed.
I think my little story reminds us today about the message of the gospel. The message of our readings on this 6th Sunday of Easter.
The disciples did not have a blueprint of how to go about telling their story. They had experienced something that was really magnificent and profound. It was a short but profound story and they went out to share it with all the world. Just like my cousin shared this beautiful picture. A picture of faith, words of faith and encouragement.
We’re reminded in our readings today, that is our challenge. To take this profound story and profound gift of faith that we are given and to remember to share it with one another.
I ask you today to think about this: what does the love of the risen Lord mean for you this easter season? How will you embody that love? And today, how will you go out and be a messenger of that profound story of God’s love with us?
First Reading:
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48
Second Reading:
1 John 4:7-10
John 15:9-17
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