Scared and Unsure, Teen Comes Around and Thrives

Scared and Unsure, Teen Comes Around and Thrives

Christian's Story

It was hard for Christian to admit just how scared he really was.

He hadn’t always felt that way. He felt safe when his dad was alive. His dad let Christian know he would always be protected.

But when Christian was 9 years old, his dad passed away. And everything changed.

A new man started coming around the apartment. His name was Robert. At first, Christian was glad to have him there. He made Christian and his mom smile again. Soon, he was Christian’s stepdad.

Once he moved in, Christian and his mom met a darker side of Robert. Robert drank a lot, sometimes all day long. And when he drank, he got angry.

Robert would yell at Christian if he walked in the living room at the wrong moment. If Christian cried, he’d yell louder. He would grab Christian’s books out of his hands and throw them down the stairs.

And when Christian tried to go to sleep, he would hear Robert yelling at
his mom. He would hear Robert tell her she wasn’t worth anything. He would hear pictures come crashing down from the wall. Christian lay awake all night, terrified.

At school, Christian was often too tired to concentrate. He’d sit there thinking about what had happened at home the night before. He’d try to brainstorm ways to avoid angering Robert. He couldn’t pay attention in class, and his grades started to plummet.

When his teachers tried to engage him, Christian would talk back. He defied all their directions, lashed out, and would yell until he got sent to detention. It helped him feel like he was in control.

One day, Christian got in a fight with another student in his class. He ended up screaming at the security guard and the principal, and was sent to the school psychologist. She talked to Christian about his home life, and along with his mom, made him an appointment with our admissions team at Mercy Home.

We had an open spot for Christian, and he moved into our Boys Home.

At first, it was hard for Christian to trust our coworkers. Even though they were warm and welcoming, he was afraid that eventually they would turn dangerous, like Robert had.

But with time, Christian began to see that everyone at Mercy Home was there to support him. And he learned that kind friends like you were by his side, making sure he was safe and cared for.

In group therapy, Christian discovered that there were other boys who had experienced the same things he had gone through. It helped him to know that his peers understood him and what he was feeling, and to see the strides they had made at Mercy Home.

Christian followed in their footsteps. He started at a new school, and worked diligently on his homework with our Mercy Home tutors every night. His grades improved immediately.

And he started participating in Mercy Home activities: drums, soccer, drawing, choir, yoga, community service.

Whenever our after-school programs team has a new club or outing to offer, Christian is first to volunteer. He just gets so excited to learn new things.

Christian never stops being grateful for the opportunities you make possible here at Mercy Home. Whenever new boys move in, he makes sure to welcome them and to let them know they are in a good place. He listens when they need to talk and tries to set a good example for them. Around our Home, he helps however he can—just like you.

Christian is hardworking and bright, and we know he will grow up to do great things.

Thank you for giving children like Christian a safe and loving home. Your friendship allows them to flourish, and you change the course of their lives—forever.

Disclaimer: Because we care deeply about protecting our childrens privacy, the names and certain identifying details in this story have been changed.

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