A Stable Home For Patrick

A Stable Home For Patrick

Last year, as the clock struck midnight and marked the start of a new year, Patrick felt anything but hopeful. So many people look to a new year as a new start, a fresh beginning. But he didn’t see how anything could ever get better.

A Bleak New Year

Ever since Patrick and his mother were kicked out of their apartment, life had been nothing but difficult. After Patrick’s father left the family, his mother increasingly struggled to keep up with the bills. And their landlord wasn’t sympathetic. After several months of not meeting rent, Patrick came home one day to find the locks changed.

With no money to get a new place to stay, Patrick and his mom moved in with his grandparents. Patrick hoped that living with family would make the loss of his father and home a little easier. Instead, it was just another hardship.


Patrick’s mother never got along with her parents and moving in with Patrick unexpectedly didn’t seem to improve their relationship. Patrick’s grandparents made it clear that they were merely tolerating his presence in their home. They didn’t like most of the things he did—whether it was playing too loudly, accidentally tracking mud in the house, or finishing the last of the milk or cereal.

Patrick spent years feeling unwelcome in the only place he had to call home. But everything seemed to come to a head when he began middle school. His mom and grandparents were arguing constantly. Finally, his grandfather and grandmother decided that Patrick and his mother were no longer welcome in their home.

Unfortunately, Patrick’s mother had not spent the time living with her parents getting back on her feet financially. She was still unable to afford an apartment. So, shortly before Christmas, Patrick and his mother were forced to stay in a shelter. It was the saddest holiday he could ever remember.

When Patrick returned to school after holiday break, one of his teachers immediately noticed how depressed Patrick seemed. Concerned, she referred him to the school guidance counselor. Patrick felt so miserable and alone that he explained the entire situation to her. It had been so long that anyone asked Patrick how he was feeling that it was hard to stop talking.

But what he didn’t expect was that his guidance counselor would be able to change his situation. He was surprised when she mentioned that she had an idea of something that could help him—Mercy Home. She explained that it would be a safe place for him to live, one where he was loved and supported. Patrick was immediately interested.

After touring our Home with his mother, Patrick knew that it was the best place for him to be. And when they told him that they had resources to help his mom as well, he was convinced. He moved in shortly after.

No Place Like Mercy Home

Patrick had never been in a place like Mercy Home. Everyone was so kind to him, and he felt welcome immediately. There was also always somebody to talk to, whether it was a coworker or one of the other boys. Not having to worry about being a nuisance or simply feeling alone change everything. Finally, Patrick felt he had a real place to call home.

Thank you for your prayerful support of kids like Patrick. It makes such a difference in their lives!

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