Fourth Sunday of Easter
Homily Video
Fourth Sunday of Easter Homily Transcript
>>I recently got a video from dear friends of mine. I’ve known them for years. I had the privilege of marrying them and baptizing their two children now, and they were up in Wisconsin Dells. They were at an indoor waterpark. And the video that they sent to me on my cell phone was the dad standing in the swimming pool and their little three year old standing on the deck and the dad encouraging the little guy to come and to jump into his arms. Most of us can, kind of, recall something like that in our own life. And sure enough, this little three year old, with great joy, jumped right into his father’s hands and his father grabbed him and held him tight. Beautiful. It recalled memories for me. Going to the swimming pool in our community with my family and with my dad in the pool. And my dad encouraging me and with some trepidation that I had, as I recall the memory, but running and jumping into his arms and being grasped and held tight. Powerful imagery. It’s the same imagery that we hear in the gospel today about the father and about the son, the son who is the good shepherd. And he says that, “We belong to the father and to the son.” We’re disciples, and there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. There is nothing or no one can snatch us from the loving embrace of our God. What a gospel of consolation. What a beautiful image for all of us to hold on to. We’ve all experienced a loving embrace in our lives. Many, hopefully. In this gospel passage, reminds us of that embrace that is far larger than any human person can give to us. It’s the embrace of God. God who says, “I know you. I love you. I’ve carved you in the very palm of my hand. I’ve counted every hair on your head. And no one. No one. And nothing can separate my love from you.” Happy Easter.
First Reading:
Acts 13:14, 43-52
Second Reading:
Rv 7:9, 14b-17
Jn 10:27-30 (51)
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