Four Types of Love

Four Types of Love

Regardless of where we live on this beautiful, blue planet, what connects us is the ability to love. It’s no wonder why we so enthusiastically celebrate those we love on Valentine’s Day with flowers, candy, cards, and gifts.  

But when we dig a little deeper into the many forms that love can take and the many ways it can be expressed, we discover a path to a richer celebration of this essential human emotion. In fact, many older cultures and languages had several different words to describe this emotion in all its forms–the Greeks had about 30!  

We believe it is important to show how much we care for one another. That’s why we’ve selected just four Greek words for love that inspire us and suggest some great ways to express this essential emotion with all the important people our lives!

Storge – family love

The moment a child is born, they’re predisposed to express love. It’s in our DNA. One of the most important types of love for us at Mercy Home, storge is the love that a child has for their parents, grandparents, and caregivers, as well as the love that a parent or other caregiver has for their child. This form of love is necessary for a child’s growth, and one we strive to share with all our children. 

What you can do to express storge 

Express your love for your child in a way that they’ll understand. Give them a hug. Take them for ice cream. Help them with a school project. Let them know how much you care. 

If you don’t have any children of your own, plan your next visit to see your parents, or even just give them a call–a little bit can go a long way.  

Agape – love of humanity

Also described as God’s love of all people, this is the form of love we share with one another. It inspires us to reach into our wallet and give some money to a person on the street or donate our time at a soup kitchen or food drive. 

During our commutes home, whether in a stuffy train or on a crowded highway, it’s easy to see everyone else as one big inconvenience. But remember that each of these people is going home to someone, or something they love as much as you are. 

At Mercy Home, we see this love every day in our donors and volunteers who share so much time and effort to improve the lives of our young people. 

What can you do to express agape

Sacrificing your own comfort, sleep, time, or finances for another in need is a quintessential act of love. Pick a charity to support for a year or join a cause to help those less fortunate. Better yet, get a close friend to help you! 

Sharing love with your fellow human beings can even be as simple as saying hello to the everyday strangers who cross your path. It may feel awkward at first, but once it becomes a habit, it will enhance every day and help you feel more connected to all humanity. 

Philia – love between friends

There’s a reason Philadelphia is nicknamed “The City of Brotherly Love.” This kind of love is what makes friends feel like family and motivates us to do anything for them. 

We find this type of love all around Mercy Home–in the bonds our kids form with each other, in the wonderful people all over the country who support our kids, and even in the camaraderie shared between our co-workers. 

What can you do to express philia

There’s something so special about sharing love with your found family. The love shared between the family you choose is a powerful and unbreakable bond. So, write a letter to your friends reminding them how special they are to you! Plan a trip with your closest confidants or celebrate them on a day other than their birthday. 

You can also surprise your co-workers or teammates with some treats! Buying each of them a Philadelphia cheesesteak may be a bit pricey, but with whatever you do, take courage in the fact that you’re doing it out of love.  

Philautia – self-love

You can’t forget to love yourself! Not to be confused with egotism or narcissism, this form of love means accepting yourself for who you are–in all your “perfect imperfections.” 

Self-respect is one of our most important principles at Mercy Home–by taking the time to care for and love yourself, you can find the strength to share love with others. 

What can you do to express philautia

Set aside some personal time to do what you enjoy most, like reading a book, watching your favorite movie, dancing to some music, or taking a nap! If you’re feeling low, try to write down things you like about yourself to remember why you’re so great! Better yet, order your favorite meal and let the love of your go-to local restaurant treat you tonight!

These four Greek words for love merely scratch the surface of one of the most complex and multifaceted dimensions of the human experience. But we hope that they inspire you to look deeply within your heart and reflect on all the relationships that enrich your life.  

Feeling the love? Share it with our kids!

Check out the many ways you can show our kids how much you care. 

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