Fr. Scott’s Corner – Jesus, The True Vine

Fr. Scott’s Corner – Jesus, The True Vine

We live in a time when people are feeling more isolated than ever, particularly in pandemic times. While it may seem that we are able to be more autonomous than before, this has also led to feelings of loneliness and depression. This isn’t what we were created for, however. God intends for us to be connected to him and to one another.

In one of the Gospels this month, we hear about the beautiful image of the vine and branches. Jesus is the true vine, and we are the branches. We are meant to live connected to Jesus and have been united to Him as our source of nourishment and strength. Jesus is the life and love source for us all. When we are united with Jesus, the true vine, we have the strength to do great things in life. But when we are separated from Him, we lose our source of nourishment, as well as our perspective on life. Without Him, we can do nothing to produce good fruit in this life. We become like withered, dried-up branches that are good only to be piled together and burned.

How fortunate we are that Jesus constantly invites us to come and stay close to Him so that He can continue to nourish and nurture us. We are called to do good works that reflect the love of God in the world. While being connected to Christ, we are to bear good fruit, fruit that will endure.

As we gather at the table of the Lord this month, we are once again nourished by the Eucharist. This connects us more intimately to the vine, Jesus, and allows us to better produce fruit that will endure. In other words, we are given the strength to do the good that God desires for us! I pray throughout the month of May that you will find the strength from Jesus, the true vine, to do those things God asks us to do.

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