Fr. Scotts Corner – Celebrating 30 Years

Fr. Scotts Corner – Celebrating 30 Years

How impossible it seems that I am again wishing you a happy New Year! It is incredible that another year has gone by. Each year is quicker than the last. 

It is natural at the beginning of a new year to reflect on the many blessings of the previous year and look ahead to all this year will bring. This year, Sunday Mass at Mercy Home will celebrate 30 years of being on the air.

I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of two life-changing missions. 

You see, both Mercy Home, which helps children in need, and our televised Mass provide vital services to the Chicagoland community. I am incredibly proud of the life-saving work that happens at our Home every day. We have truly become a beacon of hope for boys and girls in crisis. 

This is why I think that our children’s home and our televised Mass are a perfect match. Of course, it was designed this way from the very beginning. When we started broadcasting in 1992, Fr. Close saw that Sunday Mass at Mercy Home would not only be a service to the elderly, ill, and homebound faithful, but also a source of prayer for the children entrusted to our care. 

The beauty of it is that our children also pray for the Parish of the Airwaves. It has become a wonderful circle of love and care that touches the lives of so many. I hope you feel just as blessed as I do to be part of such an incredible faith community. 

As we begin another year of broadcasting and serving our children, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being part of making Mercy Home’s mission something that positively impacts the lives of countless people. Remember that you always have a place in my prayers, as well as the prayers of the entire Mercy Home family. I hope we have a place in your prayers as well. On behalf of all of us here at Mercy Home, happy New Year! 

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