Fr. Scott’s Corner – Commit to Jesus Through Silent Action

Fr. Scott’s Corner – Commit to Jesus Through Silent Action

This month marks the beginning of Lent. As I reflect on this month’s Gospel readings, I am struck by a powerful thought: all throughout human history, there has never been anybody like Jesus! The many stories of Jesus’s divine power, which he used both powerfully and routinely throughout his time on earth, are unlike anything else. What a remarkable reminder of why the upcoming 40 days give us the precious opportunity to grow in our relationship with God. There is no better time to deepen our commitment to the Lord.

Fr. Scott's Corner - February

When we become Christians, we are given a mission. It could not be clearer: everything we say, everything we do, should be on behalf of Christ. The world will know him because of our actions.

This is especially important to remember during the Lenten season. The Bible reminds us what we are not to do—act like hypocrites. Do not act piously for the sake of others and their exaltation. Instead, it is better that you pray, fast, or give alms in secret. The Lord sees this and will repay you. Jesus asks us for sincere actions, and nothing else. In order to please God, you should only perform your religious acts for him.

“The world will know him [Christ] because of our actions.”

Spiritual growth is most often the result of internal changes that take place while doing good works rather than anything we do externally. Doing good works is important, the reason why we do them is even more important. Our humility gives rise to the humility of others, so we must first remove any plank from our own eye.

This year’s Lent is the perfect opportunity to reflect upon our own patterns, to pray more often, to experience the sorrow of what we have done and failed to do, and to give generously to those in need.

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